Funding your Stay

Long-term/permanent stays

Some people choose to make Ferguson Lodge their home and have the ease of knowing their care and support needs are taken care of.

NDIS participants wanting long term accommodation will need to have Supported Independent Living (SIL) in their NDIS plan. If you are looking at transition for a home environment, you will need to apply for a change of circumstances to access SIL. Further information about SIL can be found here: Supported Independent Living for participants | NDIS

If you are funded under iCare or Disability Supports for Older Australians please check with your funder about your eligibility.

We can support you to seek appropriate funding, please get in touch.
Reasonable rental contribution is required in addition to your NDIS, iCare or DSOA funding as these funding avenues do not cover your daily living expenses. Residents of Ferguson Lodge pay $400 per week which includes room rental, utilities and all meals.

Respite/Short Term Accommodation
Ferguson Lodge offers a range of rooms to support people needing respite. This can be because your family or carers are taking a break, you are recovering from a pressure injury or other medical condition, are having home renovations or a range of other reasons. With nurses and support workers available 24/7, we are able to support people that need to be on bed rest for periods of time during their respite, making it the ideal place to recover and heal from medical conditions such as pressure injuries.
Length of stay of your respite depends on your funding. Most NDIS participants are able to access up to 4 weeks of respite a year through their core supports without additional approval needed. Further information on NDIS respite can be found here: What is Short Term Accommodation, including respite? | NDIS. Respite is also available under iCare, DSOA and some other funding streams. Under respite funding, all aspects of care are generally funded and personal contribution is only required if your funding package is inadequate.

Medium Term Accommodation
Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is available for longer periods of time when you may be waiting for permanent accommodation, having home modifications or other reasons that mean you need somewhere to stay for longer than 4 weeks. Ferguson Lodge is also able to accept MTA applications. Further information about MTA with the NDIS can be found here: What is medium term accommodation? | NDIS

Aged Care
At this time, we are unable to access Aged Care funding and therefore we are limited in offering long term accommodation to people receiving Aged Care funding only. To discuss your personal circumstances and receive a quote for your staff, please contact us

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